Every boy I have ever dated (don’t worry, there aren’t too many 😉 ) has had a killer smile! I think it’s funny how my attraction to smiles also sneaks into my photography. I’ll have two great photos and I naturally choose the one with the person smiling. When I pick pictures for Facebook or for my blog, I tend to leave out the non smiling photos. It’s not that I don’t like the absence of a smile, it’s just that I am sucker for the glow a true smiles brings out in a person! My heart smiles along with the person smiling and instantly my day is made a little better. How can you not look at Katelyn’s smile and not smile along with her? You can’t, it is beautiful! I adore this session with Katelyn because it highlights the fun, care free spirit of an 18 year old; full of life and full of a bright future. My favorite pictures of this Kingwood Park senior are the ones where her smile reaches her eyes. My goal is to find what makes a client glow to capture that light and airy feel in our photographs. Katelyn’s session was a success in my book! She definitely glows in these photographs.