It has been a while since I have had a session intended only for the kiddos of the family. It was nice to be able to devote a good amount of time to each of the cuties individually. I loved trying to keep attention of this sweet girl and had a fun time drawing her older brother out of his shell. Almost always, my favorite photos come from the end of a session. A time when the pressure is off and everyone is just being. The end of this session topped them all! It’s photos like the first black and white one that makes me want a studio so I can display client work. I swear I would print this picture on the largest canvas that would fit in my space. It really is one of my favorite photos that I have taken thus far. I adore candid photos because they capture the way a child moves, acts, plays in that moment. Those looks and interests will be slightly different far too soon. A giggly game of peek a boo is not as exciting to a five year old as it is to a freshly four year old. A ten year old would likely not even notice the pile of bird seed left out for the squirrels, while the eight year old stops to observe with fascination. The four year old frequently needs/ seeks mama’s help on the playground while the eight year old glances her way only a few times. My oh my, how we are torn between the pride of the independence our children develop and the desire to hold on a little longer.