Summer break has officially come to an end and GrayJ is about to start his third day of FIRST grade! Holy moly! It seems like just yesterday that he was almost two and we lived in Lee’s Summit, Missouri right next door to this incredible family. Within six months of each other both of our families moved away from Missouri. God let my friend move first to make it just slightly easier for me to head back to my home state of Texas. Now, when I have the privilege of visiting my friend, I am super lucky to visit her in the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G state of Colorado. This summer, for his birthday present/ party replacement, GrayJ and I left little brother at home and took a special trip to see our old neighbors. Even though we simply wanted to see my friend and her family, she drove us all over Colorado for an incredible visit that my son and I won’t ever forget! Love you, friend!